Monday, December 5, 1994

Evaluation of the Periodical Collections of Selected Protestants Theological Seminary Libraries in the Philippines


Course: Master of Library Science

School: University of the Philippines

Subject Area: Periodical Collections-Evaluation

Year of Graduation: 1994

Research Problem

The periodical collections of selected Protestant theological seminary libraries in the Philippines were evaluated to determine the sufficiency of the collections in supporting the instructional needs of the theological seminaries.


The impressionistic method was used, utilizing faculty and student’s perceptions about the periodical collections in relation to their personal needs and the curricular requirements of the graduate program of the theological schools. Data were gathered through documentary analysis and a questionnaire, supplemented by interviews. The questionnaire was the main tool used in determining the perceptions of the respondents.


The findings reveal that the faculty of the theological seminaries have the necessary educational program in their respective academic and professional fields. The periodical collection in some subjects areas offered in four schools was evaluated as “very sufficient” in relation to the curricular requirements of the graduate program while, in another four schools, the periodical collection in each subject was found to be “sufficient.” The resources in the nine theological schools were sufficient in relation to the information needs of the respondents. Majority of the respondents rated their collection as sufficient in relation to the information needs of the respondents. However, there was a great demand for valuable literature relevant to their research and information needs, especially in their areas of specialization. The combined evaluation made by the faculty and students on the use of periodicals reveal that the 260 periodical titles listed were used by the faculty and students on two levels only, i.e., “sometimes” and “rarely used.” With regards to the general evaluation of the library periodical collection, the faculty and students rated the said collection as sufficient in supporting the research needs of the researchers and in supporting the graduate instruction of the theological seminaries.

Sunday, December 4, 1994

Library Usage Patterns of the Pangasinan State University, Bayambang Campus, as Affected by Students’ Personal Attributes, Library Resources...

Title: Library Usage Patterns of the Pangasinan State University, Bayambang Campus, as Affected by Students’ Personal Attributes, Library Resources, Facilities and Services.


Course: Master of Library Science

School: University of the Philippines

Subject Area: Library Usage

Year of Graduation: 1994

Research Problem

The library usage patterns of the students of Pangasinan State University (PSU), Bayambang Campus were analyzed. The study aimed to: 1) determine the relationship between the personal attributes of the students and their library usage pattern; and 2) determine the status of the resources, facilities and services of the PSU Bayambang Campus Library as assessed by the students.


This study used the normative survey research method with the questionnaire as the tool in gathering data. The subjects of the study were the students of the PSU, Bayambang Campus enrolled in the second semester school year 1992-1993. The respondents were randomly sampled from about 20 percent of the total population. Although the students are all education students, majority of them are taking up Bachelor in Elementary Education (BEEd) and belong to the first and second year levels. They are predominantly females, aged 18-19 years.


The findings of the study show that 44.4 percent of the students seldom use the library while 43.5 percent frequently use the library. Majority of the respondents judge the help given by the library staff as fair. Majority of them perceive the library staff as more helpful than effective. Likewise, majority of the respondents consider the book collection inadequate. However, the periodicals collection is found to be adequate. Reading room was judged as narrow/small. The personal attributes of the students, such as course, year level, gender, distance of residence from school, academic performance, use of other resources, presence of personal library and attendance at library orientation have partial significant relationships with the dependent variable, i.e., library use pattern. Thus, the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant relationship between the students’ personal attributes and their library usage patterns was not fully rejected. With regards to the presumed relationship between the personal attributes and their library use patterns, the results of the statistical test reveal that there is partial significant relationship. Thus, the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant relationship between the two variables is not fully rejected.

Friday, December 2, 1994

Profile of Bible and Theological School Librarians and the Relationship of Selected Sociodemographic Variables and Management Styles


Course: Master of Library Science

School: University of the Philippines

Subject Area: Librarians-Management Styles

Year of Graduation: 1994

Research Problem
A profile was drawn of the theological librarians in the Philippines in terms of socio-demographic characteristics, professional profile and experience, technical knowledge and training needs. Management practices or management styles were determined.

Correlations among the socio-demographic characteristics and management practices were computed. The chi-square and contingency of coefficient tests were used to analyze and interpret the data.

Findings reveal that over half of 81 respondents in the sample do not have any formal education or training in library science. Three-fourths of the respondents feel less competent in cataloging and classifying non-book materials. This is the most frequently mentioned library skills in which training was deemed most needed. Majority of the respondents allow their staff to take advantage of training. Majority of them asserted that they maintain open, candid communication with subordinates and that they encourage feedback from subordinates during meetings. Majority of the respondents indicate a democtratic style of management. More respondents from the National capital Region and the Visayas are members of library organizations. More respondents who attended seminar-workshops come from Mindanao and Visayas than from Luzon. A large number who had not read journals in librarianship come from the Mindanao Region. The biggest group who claimed they read journals are from Luzon. Those who do not conduct staff meetings are mostly from the Luzon Region. Those who conduct staff meetings are mostly from Mindanao. The monthly salary tends to be higher, the longer the professional experience. Those with longer years of experience as library professionals are mostly the ones who had attended seminar-workshops. Majority of the respondents with library science background either work as teachers or belong to the non-teaching staff. A big number of respondents who took some courses in library management also have teaching responsibilities. Those who read journals in librarianship also attend seminar-workshops in library management. Reading journals in librarianship correlate with attendance in seminar-workshop in library management courses correlate with attendance in seminar-workshops. The older the respondents, the more they saw themselves immediately targeting areas for change as a new administrator. Respondents with academic background in library science agree with the management practice of involving subordinates in decision making.

The study recommends that theological librarians improve their management and technical skills to help create a more professional image and to extend more effective information service by seeking further training in librarianship. Organizations like the Philippine Theological Library Association and the Philippine Association of Bible and Theological Schools should be able to offer the training sought by the respondents. The theological librarians themselves should have initiative to seek further training on the skills where they feel less competent while school officials should do their part by planning and encouraging the continuing education and training of the librarians.

Thursday, December 1, 1994

Reading Interests of Pegawi Negeri Officers in Indonesian Civil Service in the Philippines


Course: Master of Library Science

School: University of the Philippines

Subject Area: Reading Interests

Year of Graduation: 1994

Research Problem

The reading interests of the Pegawi Negeri officers and staff of the Indonesian Civil Service in the Philippines was studied. It is aimed to: 1. find out what the Pegawi Negeri officers read; 2. identify the subjects and types of materials they read; 3. identify the sources of materials they read; 4. identify the language preference for materials they read; and 5. identify the factors that influence their reading interests.


The reading interests of the Pegawi Negeri officers and staff of the Indonesian Civil Service in the Philippines was the subject of this study. These officers and staff are assigned at the Indonesian Embassy in Manila and the Consulate General in Davao City. Sixty out of 120 respondents comprise the respondents of the study.

The descriptive method of study was used with the questionnaire sought to find out the profile of the respondents, their reading interests and their use of the Embassy Library. Interviews were made to clarify and verify data. The questionnaires were distributed to 120 officers and staff assigned in Manila (77) and Davao City (43). Only sixty questionnaires were returned: forty from Manila and 20 from Davao City.


The study showed that the officers and staff are predominantly male, within the age group of 41-50 and 50 and above and are mostly in administration. Majority are assigned at the Indonesian Embassy in Manila. Almost all the respondents regard reading as very important to them. They read to gain knowledge and obtain specific information that they need in their work. However, those who do not read prefer to watch TV, play golf, or even sleep rather than read. Almost all the respondents read newspaper from the office and they prefer Kompas and Merdeka newspapers in Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Inggris (English Language). A few subscribe to both newspapers and magazines. The subjects of articles in magazines of most interest to the respondents are entertainment and education, followed by sports, home and family, business, economics and politics. Majority of the respondents buy their books while many get them from the Library. For non-fiction books, the respondents prefer those on general knowledge and history, followed by education, religion and hobbies. For fiction books, they like historical fiction, biographical fiction, romances and mysteries. Teachers and parents were found to have influenced the reading of almost all the respondents during their school days. Almost all read books beyond the textbooks. Only a few do not read. The respondents use the Library and Information Center of the Embassy frequently to get information for their work, for their reports and speeches and for their reactions.


The study concludes that the Pegawi Negeri officers and staff are a reading group who regard reading as very important to them. They read to gain knowledge and information that they could use for their work in the Embassy. They buy books and subscribe to magazines and newspapers but majority of them get their newspaper and magazine from the office and the library. Thus, the Embassy and the Library have a strong impact on the reading interests of the respondents. It was also noted that in developing their reading habit at an early age, teachers and parents have a strong influence.


The study recommends that the Embassy and the Library and Information Center initiate programs that would motivate more officers to read and provide more reading materials not only in Bahasa Indonesia but also in the English language and other foreign languages known to respondents that would broaden their views and outlook of the country they are serving, the country to which they are assigned and the world as a whole. The Embassy should also organize intensive courses in the English language or other foreign languages to improve the reading proficiency of the officers and staff. The Indonesian government, through its ministers, should require its officers, who are to be assigned abroad, to make reading a regular part of their job or duties. The acquisition of the published foreign information materials and local reading materials should be addressed to strengthen library collections in the country of assignment which ultimately will encourage these officers to read.