Monday, July 1, 1991

Library Resources, Services and Facilities in Agriculture Education and Industrial Education Programs of State Universities and Colleges in Region 02

Researcher: FE P. AGGABAO

Course: Master of Arts in Education major in Library Science

School: Saint Mary's College of Bayombong, Philippines

Subject Area: Academic Libraries - Region 02

Year of Graduation: 1991

Statement of the Problem
The assessment of the library resources, services and facilities in Agriculture, Education and Industrial Education programs of the five (5) State Colleges and Universities (SUCs) in Region 02 during the SY 1989-1990 was the main focus of this study. The assessment was limited to the tertiary level only of the said colleges and universities.

The study employed the descriptive survey method using two structured questionnaires, one for the faculty and students and one for the library staff in addition to the PAASCU survey for libraries. Seventeen (17) librarians, 69 faculty member and 478 students were respondents of the study. Comparative analysis of the SUC libraries based on the data gathered was also looked into in this study.

To test the hypotheses, t-test and ANOVA were used. To describe the respondents and other variables, however, frequency counts, ranks, percentages, means and standard deviations were used. Modified five point scale was also utilized to descriptive the descriptive equivalents of the areas in the analysis and evaluation of gathered data.

Current Status of SUC Libraries
1. Data on holdings indicate a wide variation on the acquisition policies and practices of the five SUC Libraries. Some schools prefer more copies per title instead of preferring for more titles than volumes. One state university is below the prescribed standard as far as library holdings is concerned.

2. Majority of the library staff in the five SUC libraries are professional librarians.

3. The SUC libraries meet the DECS requirements for library facilities and equipment, however, these are of different sizes, styles and comfort.

4. Library services which include library hours, shelving systems, classification and care of library materials, and circulation of these materials are considered just sufficient by both faculty and students.

5. Majority if the faculty and students in the SUCs use the library for at least three times a week and they stay in the library for at least one hour to read the latest newspaper and secondarily to do research work.

Comparison of the SUCs Libraries
1.There are significant differences among the five SUC libraries as regards library holdings. Moreover, acquisition of library materials is not a top priority among these state schools in the region.

2. Physical facilities, classification and care of library resources, and use of the library likewise vary significantly among the SUC libraries.

Problems Encountered in the Various Library Aspects.
1. Inadequacy of library holdings is considered to be the most pressing problems encountered by both faculty and students in the five SUCs in the Region.

2. SUC libraries are noisy and crowded during library hours.

3. Locating library materials is difficult and it takes too long to get needed materials. Library arrangement, including classification, is confusing in majority of this schools.

1. Inspite of the SUC having Agriculture, Education and Industrial Education program, holdings are strongly inclined to Agriculture.

2. The library staff are continuously upgrading themselves in terms of educational attainment and professional growth to better equip them and qualify themselves for more efficient service.

3. The five SUCs libraries do not fall below the DEC's standard requirements as far as facilities are concerned.

4. All the SUC libraries in the Region provide almost the same number of hours of service and that they do not widely vary as to classification and care of library materials are taken into account.

5. The dominant problem encountered by the students and the faculty member is the inadequacy of the following resources: general reference books, professional books in their field of specialization, and professional periodicals.

6. In general, there are SUC in the region that do not come up with the prescribed standards on some aspects of librarianship like holdings.

7. Variations exest to a large extent among the SUC libraries in Region 02 in terms of holdings, staff, facilities and services.

A. National Education Policy Marks
1.A special law or Budget Circular should be created specifically separating or allotting funds for library purchases.
2.A nationwide information dissemination on the importance of books for library purchases.

B. Administrators
1.The administrators should give predominal attention to collection of books to upgraded the present state of their own libraries, rather than just physical facilities. This should be on a continuing regular basis.

2.Priority should be given to purchase of books and other expenditures for library resources to ensure quality service.

C. Faculty
1.Intensive and extensive use of library and its resources should be done by the faculty so that the students will be encourage to do the same.

2.Faculty members should be encourage to have their own personal books so that the students can fully avail of the books available in the library.

1.Library staff should be given the chance to pursue professional growth and be encouraged to take up further studies especially in the fields of library science.

E. For the Further Studies.
1. Values education in the library use for students in the tertiary level
2. Performance Evaluation of library staff.

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