Wednesday, December 8, 2004

The Agricultural Book Collection of Ladislao N. Diwa Memorial Library and Museum: An Evaluation Through Collection Mapping

Costa, Leonita C (2004). The Agricultural Book Collection of Ladislao N. Diwa Memorial Library and Museum: An Evaluation Through Collection Mapping. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. University of the Philippines, Diliman, Q.C.

The Problem and Methodology

The collection of an academic library is largely based on the degree programs offered by its institution. To determine if the agricultural book collection of Ladislao N. Diwa Memorial Library and Museum collection adequately support the degree programs offered at the University, the researcher evaluated the book collection. By assigning call numbers to agriculture courses of the degree programs using the Library of Congress Classification system (LCC), the researcher mapped the collection to the courses to determine the total number of titles and volumes per subject area.

Findings and Conclusions

The researcher found out that ninety six percent of the collection is relevant to Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and only four percent, for other courses offered under College of Agriculture. The decade of 1991 to 2000 had the highest number of collection was acquired during this decade (474 titles or 49.63 %). The reason for this is that the majority of the major course offerings of the College of Agriculture were offered during this decade. The decade 1981 to 1990 had the highest number of collection with 275 and 605 volumes, followed by the decade 1971 to 1980 with 134 titles and 451 volumes. A very small number of collection was acquired in the decade of 1961 to 1970 with 26 titles, and 16 titles from 1951 to 1960. The collection showed strong support for the subject areas of: Marketing of Agricultural Products, Agriculture, Finance, Development, Mechanics and Utilization and Operation of Credit Institution, Fundamentals of Agronomic crop Production; and Farm Management. The collection in these areas, though, need to be continuously developed, most especially for required courses to serve the increasing student population more efficiently. More books should be acquired in areas where collection is deemed weak. To evaluate the collection quantitatively, the researcher utilized the Guidelines on the Establishment of new Libraries. Data showed that library holdings for College of Agriculture only had 955 titles which are very much lower than the required number of book collection in the guidelines. It further indicated that the library of Cavite State University does not have enough resources in terms of book collection to support the curricular offerings of the College of Agriculture.


After evaluating the library, researcher offered the following recommendations:

1. Faculty must be encouraged to look into the areas of their own expertise and recommend book titles or suggest ways to further develop the specific collection;

2. Study the pattern of enrollment statistics and take into consideration the course with high enrollees and courses that are not taken by the students. Thus, book collection must be developed in the subject areas actually needed by the students;

3. The decline in collection building in the year 2001 and onwards can be attributed to the high prices of books and lack of adequate budget. It is recommended that financial resources be tapped for collection development. These include friends of the library, agriculture alumni and other similar organizations. In this regard, the librarian will know what collection needs to be developed so that the library budget for book acquisitions maybe better allotted.

4. Standards or formulas to measure the library’s collection and services be required as one of the criteria that agricultural schools must meet before they are given accreditation. Standards should be realistic, taking into consideration the Philippine setting for collection development.

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