Thursday, December 2, 1971

An Initial Survey of Secondary School Libraries in Quezon City


Course: Master of Library Science

School: University of the Philippines, Quezon City

Subject Area: School Libraries

Year of Graduation: 1971

This report is the result of a survey made of the existing physical facilities, the library personnel, the library collection, and the services rendered by eight selected private and public school libraries in Quezon City. Findings in the survey undertaken by means of questionnaires and library visits were compared with and evaluated against the existing standards for school libraries in the Philippines and United States. The four public high school libraries included in the study were found to be operating under conditions and with resources not conducive to giving efficient service. Their library collections and library facilities are very inadequate. On the other hand, the four private school libraries which have more adequate financial and administrative support have bigger and better collections, more adequate staff, and better library facilities.
Source: Journal of Philippine Librarianship (4: 156) 1971

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