Course: Master of Library Science
School: University of the Philippines
Subject Area: Librarians-Management Styles
Year of Graduation: 1994
Research Problem
This blog contains abstracts of researches in Library and Information Science (LIS) in the Philippines to facilitate the searching of information on LIS literature. It is also aimed to provide free access to research materials for LIS students both undergraduate and graduate students.
The reading interests of the Pegawi Negeri officers and staff of the Indonesian Civil Service in the
The reading interests of the Pegawi Negeri officers and staff of the Indonesian Civil Service in the
The study showed that the officers and staff are predominantly male, within the age group of 41-50 and 50 and above and are mostly in administration. Majority are assigned at the Indonesian Embassy in
The study concludes that the Pegawi Negeri officers and staff are a reading group who regard reading as very important to them. They read to gain knowledge and information that they could use for their work in the Embassy. They buy books and subscribe to magazines and newspapers but majority of them get their newspaper and magazine from the office and the library. Thus, the Embassy and the Library have a strong impact on the reading interests of the respondents. It was also noted that in developing their reading habit at an early age, teachers and parents have a strong influence.
The study recommends that the Embassy and the Library and Information Center initiate programs that would motivate more officers to read and provide more reading materials not only in Bahasa Indonesia but also in the English language and other foreign languages known to respondents that would broaden their views and outlook of the country they are serving, the country to which they are assigned and the world as a whole. The Embassy should also organize intensive courses in the English language or other foreign languages to improve the reading proficiency of the officers and staff. The Indonesian government, through its ministers, should require its officers, who are to be assigned abroad, to make reading a regular part of their job or duties. The acquisition of the published foreign information materials and local reading materials should be addressed to strengthen library collections in the country of assignment which ultimately will encourage these officers to read.
Degree: Master of Arts in Library Science
School: University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Subject Area: Periodical Index
Year of Graduation: 1994
Course: Master of Library Science
School: University of the
Subject Area: Public Libraries
Year of Graduation: 1993
Statement of the Problem
Library services were provided to the community folk on
A community survey was conducted to determine the feasibility of establishing a public library and whether the islanders are ready for such a service. The following factors were ascertained: 1. population of the island; 2. literacy rate; 3. general educational background; 4. occupation; 5. reading interests; and 6. needs of the community.
The results of this study show that the parent respondents are middle-aged, within the 31-40 age group, while the children respondents are in the 13-15 age group. The educational level of mothers is higher than that of the fathers, as more mothers have college degrees. Many of the children respondents have secondary school diplomas. Most of the fathers are engaged in fishing as an occupation while the mothers are in the teaching profession. Some children do catechism work. The common language used in the
The study concluded that based on the demographic profile of respondents as to age, educational level, literacy level, reading interests and their attitude towards public library services, the time is ripe for such public library services to be established on the
The study strongly recommends that the local government start planning for the establishment of
Course: Master of Library Science
School: University of the
Subject Area: Deselection-Metro
Year of Graduation: 1993
Statement of the Problem
This study was aimed to explore the state of deselection process or weeding in selected academic libraries in Metro Manila. It sought to find out the nature and extent of weeding, the existence of deselection policies, if any, the deselection methods and criteria used, the methods of disposing the discarded stock and the problems encountered by the academic librarians in implementing the weeding process.
The study used the descriptive survey method of research. A structured questionnaire was used as a tool in data collection. Eighteen academic libraries were surveyed.
1. All academic libraries surveyed practice weeding or deselection of library materials but only seven out of eighteen academic libraries follow a periodic weeding program.
2. Only twelve libraries have written weeding policies to guide the staff in weeding the collection.
3. The principal methods used in weeding are shelf-time period and shelf-scanning/stock revision.
4. The criteria used for weeding the book collections are unwanted/unused volumes, duplicate volumes, physically worn-out, age and use patterns of materials. The two primary criteria for weeding the periodical collection are duplicate copies and serials of the news magazine type.
5. The methods of disposing the discarded stock are: donate to other libraries, distribute to interested students, just store in stock room and throw away as trash.
6. Deselection is not a continuous or year-round activity in most of the academic libraries because of the following problems: a) lack of staff; b) lack of time; and 3) difficulty in getting participation, etc.
1. Since all academic libraries surveyed perform deselection process, it is an indication that they perceive the process as an important component of the collection development program.
2. Academic librarians perform weeding but most of them have no continuous or periodic weeding programs
3. Weeding policies are used by most academic librarians in the deselection process but there are still a few who do not have written guidelines.
1. Implement continuous and regular weeding process, at least once every two years.
2. Emphasize weeding of less-used materials by transferring or relocating them to a stock room rather than totally discarding them in as much as all are related to the curriculum.
3. For academic libraries with no weeding policies yet, formulate sound guidelines and perform deselection process in the light of these policies.
4. To solve the deselection problems encountered by academic librarians, there should be lectures or seminars about weeding so that academic librarians would be made more aware of the importance of the process.
Course: Master of Library Science
School: University of the
Subject Area: Academic Libraries-Evaluation-Pampanga
Year of Graduation: 1993
Statement of the Problem
The status of the 16 colleges and universities in the Province of Pampanga were examined in relation to the different academic library standards of institutions, namely: Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS); Fund for Assistance to Private Education/Private Higher education (FAPE/PHE); Philippine Association of Academic and research Libraries (PAARL); and Philippine Accrediting Agency for Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU). The physical facilities and equipment, collection resources, financial resources, use and services, organization and care of materials, and personnel of these libraries were compared against the standards or criteria set up by these different institutions. This study was undertaken to assess the academic libraries’ strengths and weaknesses on specific areas to serve as a guide for the librarians and administrators in establishing plans for the development and improvement of the academic libraries.
In appraising the library resources, the descriptive method was used. Secondary sources such as college or university bulletins of information, catalogs, anniversary publications and faculty manuals were used in gathering information about institutional profiles. Informal interviews were also conducted for additional information. Simple analysis of variance was used to determine the status of the different library resources of each college and university.
Results of the comparison made against the different standards for academic libraries reveal that most of the libraries occupy quarters for the library. All are strategically located and accessible and fairly attractive. Very few libraries, however, conform with DECS, FAPE?PHE and PAASCU standards in providing enough seats and space for their students. Most of these libraries have no provisions for the increase in enrollment over a period of five years. Based on PAARL standards, 50 % of the libraries conform with the provision of enough seats and space for its students. Most of the libraries of the province are deficient in equipment and furniture. Space provided for specific work areas in most libraries is inadequate. The staff members are not provided with necessary facilities for more efficient and effective services.
As for the collection and organization of materials, it was found out that the library collection in all institutions consists basically of books and very few periodicals. Non-print materials and the more sophisticated resources are unavailable. A small number of Filipiniana and Asian materials are available in all the libraries. There are still libraries which maintain integrated libraries for secondary and tertiary levels. Very few libraries weed their collections. A few libraries do not maintain a continuous program of organizing their library collections. Card catalogs are not maintained in some libraries.
On the aspects of financial resources, the library budgets show a wide range of inadequacies. However, eight (8) institutions have definite budget allocations.
As for use and services, majority of the libraries have flexible library schedules which offer services to their graduate students and evening classes. Majority of the libraries have equitable and flexible lending policies.
Majority of the libraries have full-time head librarians with MLS (Master of Library Science) units. Very few librarians are assigned to other positions and responsibilities in the institution. Almost all the libraries lack full-time support staff. Majority of the libraries rely heavily on student assistants. All the head librarians have faculty status. A few institutions provide scholarships and study benefits for their staff as part of the staff development program. There are no library committees acting in an advisory capacity for library development in most libraries of the province.
Course: Master of Library Science
School: University of the
Subject Area: Academic Libraries, Collection-Security measures
Year of Graduation: 1993
Statement of the Problem
This paper systematically examines the library and academic factors, perceived by students, that possibly influence theft and mutilation of library books and other materials.
The 318 subjects of the study who were selected at random were enrolled in the accredited academic departments of eleven schools and universities in Metro Manila which are PAASCU accredited (Level III). They were requested to answer the structured questionnaire prepared for the purpose. Interviews were also conducted with some willing respondents. This research is essentially descriptive and analytic in approach. It made use, to some extent, of the principle of correlational research in identifying the library and academic factors that may be related to the acts of mutilation and theft of library materials. The Parten’s formula for size of respondents was utilized to determine the number of respondents from each school to be included in the study. The validation of the questionnaire was done with the use of the Kuder-Richardson equation for validity of instruments. The raw data obtained from the questionnaire were computerized and data processing was personally handled by an accredited statistician to ensure the correctness of the processed figures. The researcher however, personally encoded and tabulated the data manually for accuracy.
1. The library factors perceived to influence most of the incidence of library crimes of theft and mutilation are: library security, ease and availability of library materials, size of library collections and the aspect of photocopying machines.
2. The academic factors that could possibly cause library crimes of mutilation and theft, as perceived by students, are: frequency and bulk of assignments. Frequency of use of library, time constraints for submission of assignments and researches and rather strict teachers.
This study was able to test the existence of relationships between the library factors that could cause library crimes and the personal/economic variables. The students believe that certain preventive measures, stop-gap measures and long-term solutions can help minimize, to a negligible level, the incidence of library crimes. However, the perceived effectiveness of these measures and solutions vary significantly with respect to the students personal and economic characteristics.
The study recommends practically all the suggestions and recommendations cited as effective by students. In addition, the library authorities are encouraged to conduct periodic vigorous publicity campaigns that will inform and better orient students on the services they can avail of in the library and the proper use of the library. Likewise, the posting of a visible directory that indicates the “where” and “how” of library books and other materials is recommended. Warning signs and the list of penalties for library crimes should be posted in conspicuous places in and out of the library, with corresponding replacement costs of stolen or mutilated books and other materials. Teachers are requested to refrain from giving many assignments that need materials only found in the library. Moreover, a better time frame should be made on deadlines for the submission of such assignments. Furthermore, teachers are advised to orient and educate their students on the proper use of the library. The library authorities, with the support of the school administration, should be consistent and strict in implementing the policies and guidelines they had formulated.
Course: Master of Library Science
School: University of the
Subject Area: University of the
Year of Graduation: 1993
This is a historical study which presents a narrative record of each university president’s contribution to the growth and development of the University of the
Course: Master of Arts in Library Science
School: University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Subject Area: Continuing Professional Education
Year of Graduation: 1993