Wednesday, February 1, 2006
The Centro Escolar University Library Internet-Based Services: Status and Prospects
Course: Master of Arts in Library Science
School: Centro Escolar University, Philippines
Subject Area: Library Information Networks
Year of Graduation: 2006
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Use of Media Technology as an Instructional Tool in Inter-Institutional Consortium (I-IC) Schools
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the
Subject Area: Media Technology-Usage, Consortia
Year of Graduation: 2005
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to: 1) determine the extent of use of the media technology among the I-IC school; 2) determine the perceptions of the students and teachers regarding the effectiveness of the media technology; 3) identify the problems encountered in using the media technology; and 4) find out possible solutions in resolving the problems.
The study used the descriptive survey method, particularly the formal interview (Sanchez, 1986) where the respondents were asked questions from carefully prepared interview schedules and their answers were recorded in a standardized from. This enabled the researcher to acquire valuable insights and first hand information from the students and faculty members of the I-IC schools on their perception of media technology.
Results of the study revealed that the overhead projectors are still the most commonly used equipment and VHS tapes are very useful media materials. Borrowing of materials and equipment was most frequently done by DLSU and PCU whereas SPCM and SSC often reserved the viewing room. Few students used the modern type of technology due to lack of knowledge and expertise.
Some of the recommendations were to purchase more modern technology equipment; conduct a regular in-service media training to media staff; promote annual acquisitions of media materials and equipment; and create a standard policy of circulation and sharing of equipment to each member school.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
The Development of a Library Instruction Program for the St. Stephen’s High School Library with Emphasis on Improving Specific Library-Related Skills
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the Philippines, Diliman
Subject Area: Library Instruction
Year of Graduation: 2005
Statement of the Problem
The data required for this study were gathered into two phases. The first phase involved measuring the current level of awareness/knowledge of the students of St. Stephen's High School by means of administering the research instrument to both experimental and control groups drawn from the three year levels. Results of the pre-test were used to guide the development of the library instruction program. The prototype library instruction program developed using the result of the first phase of data collection was then used in instructing only the experimental groups. The second phase involved administering a post-test to both experimental and control groups.
The results of the pre-test showed that knowledge on the use of reference materials and knowledge on conducting basic research are the two areas that garnered the lowest average percentage of correct answers. Moreover, the average percentage of correct answers for these two areas is less than 50% which means that less than half of the sample respondents were able to answer the questions pertaining to these areas correctly. Moreover, it was also noted that each of the five areas had items that garnered low percentages of correct answers. using formulated concepts based on the results of the pre-test as guidelines, materials were compiled from various sources to constitute the library instruction program for SSHS Library. The three designated experimental group were then given the library instruction program developed using the results of the pre-test. Afterwards, a post-test was administered to both designated experimental and control groups. Results of the pre-test and post-test were examined and compared. It was generally found out that there is an increase/improvement in students level of awareness/knowledge of specific library related-skills upon being administered a library instruction program that is specifically based upon actual diagnosed instructional needs of the students.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Economics of Scale in Academic Libraries of the University of the Philippines Diliman
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the Philippines, Quezon City
Subject Area: Academic Libraries
Year of Graduation: 2005
Statement of the Problem
The study examines scale economies in the U.P. Diliman academic libraries using two year cross-section pooled data on 26 libraries.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
A Profile of Government Archivists in Metro Manila
Researcher: JOCELYN P. BASA
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the
Subject Area: Archivists
Year of Graduation: 2005
As any organization, archives cannot exist without the appropriate staff. The size and type of personnel depend on the size of the institution and the archival program. Those seeking archives positions should be competitive enough not only to comply with the minimum standards but to surpass these.
Statement of the Problem
This study focused on people working in government archives. It aimed to construct a profile by looking into government archivists in Metro Manila with regard to the following aspects: educational background, work experience, task performed, and qualification requirements of their position as set by their institutions.
There were eight (8) institutions surveyed namely: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP),
Educational requirements of archives personnel have not been specific on what degree should applicant possess before they apply. Government archives hire archivists who are graduates of any course without the necessary archives training and experience. Qualification standards set by the Civil Service Commission are being implemented or used by the institutions. Otherwise, they use a different position title.
The study concluded that: position titles/designations of archives personnel depend on the kind of institution the archives is under; staff with permanent appointment status have second level eligibility; form of training readily available is informal; staff are sent to attend short courses, seminar-workshops, etc. on official time since formal education cannot normally be availed during office hours; informal training programs on archives offered locally and abroad seem appropriate to the needs of government archives/archivists in the performance of their duties; and necessary skills are acquired through in-service training programs. The qualification standards being used by government archives can be modified eventually when a formal degree on archival studies will be available locally. It was noted that certain government agencies were very protective of their institutions. No information was given for questions the administration decided were confidential with respect to their reputation as an archives office. They did not want to give information that may result in the conclusion that their personnel are unqualified or do not possess the ideal qualifications. It is also desired that offering a formal degree in archives studies be pushed through to equip future archivists with the necessary archival principles and skills prior to employment. In the absence of a degree, non-formal training could be considered to modify the qualification requirements for hiring archivists in the government. It is the desire of the author that institutions in the future are more cooperative in similar studies since the study only wants to help find ways to improve the profession.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
A Study of the Acquisition Practices of the Member Libraries of the Mendiola Consortium
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the Philippines, Quezon City
Subject Area: Acquisition
Year of Graduation: 2005
Statement of the Problem and Methodology
The primary objective of this study was to find out the acquisition practices of the member libraries of the Mendiola Consortium. Forty (40) respondents were requested to answer the questionnaires. Respondents were full-time and regular librarians of the member libraries of the Mendiola Consortium. There was 100 percent rate of returns. This utilized the descriptive method of research. Through a descriptive document analysis of the gathered documents, a comparison of the the libraries' acquisition policies was also taken into consideration. Interviews were also conducted to ensure valuable information on the problem being investigated. The respondents' profiles were studied and tabulated. The acquisition practices of the four institutions were also studied and analyzed.
The study revealed that they have different written acquisition policies and have similar acquisition practices in acquiring books and other library materials. They acknowledged acquisition planning as an important phase of acquisition work. They acquire books through purchase, gifts/donations and exchange of school publications like journals but not book exchange. The member libraries of the Mendiola Consortium do not practice cooperative acquisition.
1. Member libraries of the mendiola Consortium must be updated with the current practices of the different progressive academic libraries in materials acquisitions, including online payment and materials selection;
2. Librarians must exert more effort to be able to solicit valuable materials to supplement regular acquisitions;
3. Involvement in other consortia or network to add to possible sources of library materils;
4. There must be a review of existing policies and procedures to be able to identify the aspects of acquisition work that are no longer applicable or beneficial to the library;
5. Provision for a feedback (evaluation) mechanism to determine effectivity of current acquisition procedures;
6. The chief librarians should discuss with their respective administrators the advantages that will accrue if they embark on a cooperative acquisitions program. The member institutions, more or less, have started cooperative endeavors in other aspects. Now is the time to think of library cooperation and networking.
Friday, December 9, 2005
Qualitative Analysis of the Institute of Library and Information Science Theses Abstracts
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the
Subject Area: Theses-Abstracts, Library Science-Abstracts
Year of Graduation: 2005
Statement of the Problem
This study analyzed the technical and substantial qualities of the University of the Philippines Institute of Library and Information Science (UPILIS) theses abstracts.
Findings reveal that most them are indicative, either technically good or fair, and substantially fair. Common errors came out as redundancy, erroneous grammar, and incoherence, being too lengthy, unclear, and substantial, and lacking information. The relation of the technical quality varies with the student’s age, sex and degree and also with theses’ year of submission and numbers of pages while the relations of the substantial quality turned to be insignificant due to most of them are fairly written. The results attribute to the lack of theoretical courses offered and insufficient time allotted to teaching abstracting.
Recommendations include the separation of abstracting to indexing, the integration of philosophy in LIS matters, the revision of the UPILIS thesis manual, and the implementation of a subsequent study in 2010.
Thursday, December 8, 2005
A Study of Selected Community Parish Archives Practices
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the Philippines, Quezon City
Subject Area: Archives
Year of Graduation: 2005
Statement of the Problem and Methodology
The focus of the study is on the current record keeping practices of canonical documents and other archival collections of the four (4) community parish archives located in Metro manila. To attain the objectives of the study, qualitative method of research was employed. Ocular inspections and interviews were conducted to gather data in order to analyze and determine the archives practices observed and implemented by the parishes. A comparative analysis was made between the current practices and the standard and accepted archives practices with regard to the sacramental records and administrative archival documents, such as minutes of meetings, memoranda, correspondence, and other record series of enduring value which are generally appraised and preserved for future reference.
Findings and Recommendations
Findings reveal that insufficient knowledge, professional training, and technical skills of the persons designated and responsible for the archival records are the reasons why these selected parishes have not given priority to establish an official parish archives. Due to the absence of policies on standard and accepted archives practices, recommendations are presented which will hopefully help contribute in the area of archives practices in the parishes.
Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Archives in the Museum Context: A Case Study on the Application of Archival Principles and Practices in the Jorge B. Vargas Museum and ...
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the Philippines, Quezon City
Subject Area: Archives, Museums
Year of Graduation: 2005
Statement of the Problem
With the main goal of exploring the context of the archival principles and practices in the museum setting, this study has focused on the case of the Jorge B. Vargas Museum and Filippiniana Research Center (UPVM).
The study also attemps to discover a way to situate the role of the archives in the museum by constructing the administrative history of the UPVM using available Museum records.
Historical Background
This museum has a rich collection of the personal archives of its donors, Mr. Vargas, who had served in various key positions in the government starting from the Commonwealth era, continued into the World war II and up to the 1960's. in 1978, the collection was donated to the University of the Philippines and, thus, serves as a University Museum. The UPVM is a site where archives exists within the museum structure and presents an ideal set up for an inquiry that looks into the archival collection of the museum.
UPVM's archival collection may be grouped into two fonds or record groups; namely: 1) personal archives of jorge B. Vargas; and 2. institutional archives of the UPVM. these two fonds were appropriately arranged based on the archival principles of provenance and original order. Just like any other institution, the UPVM is also a producer or records as it performs its complex roles as both collector and preserver of material culture. The museum's archival records are its institutional memory.
Results and Discussions
The study illustrated how a particular record and its given recording and documentation processes and procedures perform this function of organizational memory and, at the same time, be an active agent of institutional activity. Foremost among its records is the catalog and documentation worksheet used to provide material description and account for the physical condition of the art collection. The study had emphasized that the UPVM catalog may be considered as an archival record by noting its great influence in musuem management and operations and its function of object representation. If museums are about representation through the display and assemblage of material culture, records that account for these objects must also acquire this level of cultural dimension. Records then become "representations" of objects of representations. Theis situation opens up a range of interesting inquiries for archival theory. As these museum perform their administrative and collection management functions, they naturally become records creators. Conversely, as collectors and repositories of archives and manuscripts, they become sites for records accumulation. Thus, museums assume the role of both records creator and record keeper while maintaining their unique institutional identity as distinct from archives. This phenomenon has a profound impact for archival practice and implies that a new paradigm must be developed to appropriately situate the place of the archives within the museum structure. Finally, a recommended standard was drawn to provide a code of practice with which the museum could refer for appropriate guidance and direction.
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
An Evaluation of the MEDLINE Database of U.P. Manila Medical Library: Its Coverage and Usage
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the
Subject Area: Medical Libraries, Library Use
Year of Graduation: 2005
MEDLINE has long been appreciated as a major resource for those with academic or research questions. More recently, it has been recognized that MEDLINE supports informed clinical practice as well. A number of published studies report that MEDLINE literature searchers have a significant positive effect on clinical problem-solving and patient outcomes.
Statement of the Problem
The study primarily assesses the MEDLINE database, its coverage of periodical titles and its usage in the Medical Library of UP
The 785 medical practitioners of 27 departments of the University of the
The findings of the study proved that MEDLINE database is useful in retrieving information in the areas of specialization of UP Manila College of Medicine practitioners. The availability of online databases affects internal library use, particularly when databases can be accessed through the Internet. Librarians at the UP Medical Library must endeavor to keep abreast of the range of options that are available to them and their users, and should be well-equipped to evaluate those options effectively. Using the SCOUG criteria as a guide when examining different versions of the same database, librarians and other information professionals should be able to make an informed assessment of the relative value and usefulness of a range of services of databases. The UP Medical Library does not need to subscribe to the MEDLINE software since it is available for free from the Internet. If there are funds allotted for the subscription of the said software, it is better to divert the funds to other library expenses. Users of the MEDLINE and other medical databases are encouraged to access the electronic journals. Since full-text versions of many medical journals are being offered via the Internet, it will be increasingly easier to locate the original papers, which will be linked to the results of the user’s search. A user should be aware that MEDLINE does not cover all the medical literature in the world. Users are advised to use other databases like
Monday, December 5, 2005
The Information Search Process of Diliman Preparatory School Third Year Students
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the Philippines, Quezon City
Subject Area: Information Seeking
Year of Graduation: 2005
Statement of the Problem and Methodology
In general, the findings indicate that the participants' thoughts about their topics became clearer and more focused as they moved through the search process seeking more relevant and focused information. Feelings accompanying the changes in thoughts matched those predicted in the model, with confidence steadily increasing. Uncertainty, confusion, and frustration decreased during the process as feelings of being satisfied, sure and relieved increased.
1. Assessment of perceptions of respondents must be done more often and regular monitoring of a research study to determine success or failure of information search process;
2. The model of the information search process needed to be verified in a larger more diverse sample of library users; and
3. The researcher strongly recommends that the findings of this study be validated by doing some longitudinal studies in the near future.
Sunday, December 4, 2005
Tomas Del Rosario College Library: An Evaluation with Implication on the Improvement of Information Resources and of Library Services
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the Philippines, Quezon City
Subject Area: Library Resources, Library Services
Year of Graduation: 2005
Statement of the Problem
2. Tomas del Rosario College Library must be provided with adequate and continuing budgetary support as a separate item from the budget allotted for the different expenditures in the institution it belongs.
3. The findings of this study will be utilized in the formulation of a resource-sharing scheme among colleges and universities in Bataan.
Saturday, December 3, 2005
An Evaluation of the Computerized Index to Philippine Periodical Articles (CIPPA)
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the
Subject Area: Periodical Index
Year of Graduation: 2005
Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Computerized Index to Philippine Periodical Articles (CIPPA) as developed and used by the Filipiniana Section of the Ateneo de Manila University Rizal Library based on the International Organization for Standardization’s indexing standard.
The descriptive survey research method utilizing a questionnaire was chosen as the most appropriate and effective method for collecting the data needed to answer the study’s research questions. Analysis of the results defined how the CIPPA complies with the ISO standard. The assessment of how much CIPPA conforms to the ISO standard was then determined in percentage. Analysis was simple and did not require any sophisticated statistical approaches. The fifteen (15) librarians of the Ateneo de Manila University Rizal Library served as respondents for this study.
Results indicate that the CIPPA generally conforms to ISO 999: 1996 standard. However, there are several areas where CIPPA does not conform and there are certain ISO criteria that are not applicable to a computerized index like the CIPPA, and CIPPA is a bit complicated to users to become familiar with. In fact, some librarians lack familiarity with the CIPPA.
1. Changes must be made in CIPPA to make it conform totally to ISO standard.
2. Improvements in the CIPPA database manual of procedures to make it conform to ISO standard.
3. Changes in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of CIPPA to make user-friendly.
4. Librarians should be trained on how to use the system.
Friday, December 2, 2005
Usage of Library Materials and its Impact on Students’ Academic Performance: A Case Study of the St. Stephen’s Elem School Library’s Most Avid Reader
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the Philippines, Quezon City
Subject Area: Library Use, School Libraries
Year of Graduation: 2005
Statement of the Problem
Thursday, December 1, 2005
Faculty’s Perception of the Liaison Program of the Rizal Library of the Ateneo de Manila University
Course: Master in Library and Information Science
School: University of the Philippines, Quezon City
Subject Area: Academic Libraries
Year of Graduation: 2005
Statement of the Problem
3. The liaison librarian and the Library Director need to redesign and restructure the liaison program to be implemented in order to appreciate both the faculty and the librarians’ expertise. The implementation of a redesigned or restructured program might not be that easy because it will take significant effort, lots of time and a desire to make things happen.
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
An Evaluation of the Lib Services in Relation to an Interdisciplinary Approach to Instruction at the Grade Sch Department of St. Scholastica's College
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
An Investigation into Determinants of Service Quality (Servqual) of the Colegio De San Juan de Letran Library
Course: Master of Arts in Library Science
School: University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Subject Area: Library Services - Quality
Year of Graduation: 2005
Library is frequently referred to as "the heart of the institution" or "the mind of the society." In carrying out its responsibility in the academic program effectively, the library performs certain activities and offers certain services. Because libraries are services, they exist to provide service to people who need it. Library service is an effort to improve the quality of services open to library users such as the means to derive customer input and satisfaction and organizational response mechanisms. It is a common practice for any type of library concerned with services to support the educational and research objectives of its parent organization. The library, however, does not function alone. A library, above all, is a human enterprise and it depends ultimately upon the skilled minds and talents of librarians to perform its proper role in our changing society. Libraries must retain the timeless service of equity of access, personal service, and services tailored to the needs of individuals while exploring new values. As the "heart" of the academe, the library is expected to give quality rather than quantity library services to the internal and external customers of educational institutions that are considered best judges of quality service.
Statement of the Problem
The study aims to assess the library clients' expectations and perceptions of library service quality as actually experienced at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran using the service quality (SERVQUAL) instrument designed to measure total quality service. The focus of this study is on the efficiency and quality of library services provided by the Colegio de San Juan de Letran Library. The study is limited to the findings of a descriptive, quantitative and qualitative method.
Findings revealed that there is a significant difference among the five (5) SERVQUAL dimensions. Of the five dimensions, Assurance ranks first, followed sequentially by Empathy, Tangibles, Reliability and Responsiveness. Using the CRBANOVA and
The adoption of the five (5) dimensions of SERVQUAL as a survey instrument is likewise recommended for future evaluation since it has proven to be effective in the assessment of quality service.
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
An Assessment of the Nueva Vizcaya State University Main Campus Library: Towards Library Information Storage and Retrieval Services Development
Course: Master of Arts in Education major in Library Science
School: Saint Mary's University, Philippines
Subject Area: Academic Libraries-Nueva Vizcaya
Year of Graduation: April 2005
The challenge to librarianship is to motivate and encourage wider and deeper reading of books and to make these other resources available to meet the growing demands both for an intellectual and cultural frame of reference and for specialists' information. It is important for any institution of higher learning to improve its ability to chart its direction in the foreseeable future in order to contribute better to the development of the entire academic community. There is a need to institute a systematic guide by which its programs and all the necessary resources support college programs.
Statement of the Problem
This study was conducted to provide an empirical basis for a five-year Library Information Storage and Retrieval Services Development Plan for Nueva Vizcaya State University Library. It also evaluated the extent of the problems encountered regarding the different content areas of NVSU library. To achieve this goal, the study pursued the following: (1) determined of the NVSU Library in the following aspects as assessed and evaluated by the students, faculty, and librarians: (a) Administration, (b) Personnel, (c) Collection/Holdings, (d) Services and Utilization of the Library, (e) Physical Set-up and Facilities, (f) Financial Support, (g) Linkages: (2) determined the profile of the users: (3) described the librarians' information technology capability: (4) drew the information technology resources profile of the University; (5) identified and described the problems commonly encountered in the library in terms of the seven (7) aspects; and (6) developed a Library Information Storage and Retrieval Services Development Plan for NVSU Main Library.
The study made use of descriptive-survey method. Data were extensively drawn using a survey checklist based from the new instrument of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered College and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP, 2002). Mean scores and standard deviation were used to describe the status of the NVSU Main Campus library and the problems encountered in the use of the library along the different content areas or aspects. A modified six-point scale was to describe the numerical and descriptive rating of the different content areas, while a modified four-point scale was used in the problems encountered. The respondents of the study included 30 students, 30 faculty and seven librarians of the University Main Library . The student and faculty respondents were purposively selected from among the regular users of the library. The librarian-respondents constituted a total enumeration of all librarians of the University Library.
1.Status of the NVSU Main Campus Library. Based on the documentary data, the NVSU Main Campus Library generally complied with the requirements as prescribed by the AACCUP. All the seven content areas or aspects were rated very good which meant that the provisions were moderately extensive and functioning very well.
2. Profile of the NVSU Main Campus Library Users. The College of Education had the highest student population in the University, and among the curriculum year level, first year students constitute the bulk of the enrollment, both during the first and second semester. The Reference Section, Filipiniana Section, and the Circulation Section had more users during the first semester of SY 2003-2004, as compared to those of the second semester of the same school year, The Periodical Section and the Graduate School library had more number of users during the second semester than in the first semester.
3. Librarians' information technology capability. The librarians had capabilities to use word processing program. Their knowledge on other application software was very limited.
4. Information technology resources of the University. Only 19 computer units were available for faculty members' use. These were distributed in the seven colleges/academic units of institute. More than 80% of about 204 faculty members were considered computer literates, having various levels of computer knowledge.
5. Problems encountered in the NVSU Main Campus Library. The problems encountered by the users of the NVSU Main Campus library along the seven content areas or aspects were described as encountered up to a little extent, meaning these problems were seldom encountered. From the different problems presented, two came out to be moderate in extent. These were the following: limited quantity of books and library materials, and non-replacement or non-repair of old and/or torn books, journals or magazines. These two problems were under the area of library collection/holdings.
6. Proposed NVSU Main Campus Library Information Storage and Retrieval Services Development Plan. Two priority areas are given emphasis in the plan. One is the setting up of electronic sources where on-line access of library materials and the use of CD-ROMs are available. The other areas is the interconnection of the NVSU library to the PHNET and the Internet to have immediate access of up-to-date information and knowledge. Under these connectivity, electronic mailing, file transfer, information search and retrieval, and remote login can be possible.
On the basis of the results of the assessment made on the status of the NVSU Main Campus Library based on AACCUP standards, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. The NVSU library has tired to cope up with the standards prescribed by AACCUP. But the need for state-of-the-art computers, multi-media and audio-visual equipment is very evident. During the last three years (2001-2003), no amount was allocated for the procurement of multi-media equipment.
2. the collections of the NVSU Main Campus Library, especially journals, needed in the different areas of concentrations or disciplines is very minimal.
3. The linkages of the NVSU Main Campus Library, particularly foreign, are not sufficient.
4. The librarians are qualified and licensed but their information technology capability is relatively low. Further more, they do not academic ranks.
5. The information technology resources of the University, especially among the different colleges are wanting.
6. The most pressing problems encountered by the NVSU Main Campus Library users are the limited quantity of books, and other library materials, and the dilapidated state of existing books, journals and magazines.
7. The NVSU Main Campus Library has not yet started any automation and/or computerization activities on holdings.
1. Computers. Multi-media and audio-visuals equipment / facilities should be immediately procured. The University should allot annual budget for this purpose.
2. Additional journals, particularly foreign issues / editions, needed in the different areas of concentrations / disciplines should be subscribed by the NVSU Main Campus Library.
3. Networking and linkaging with other research agencies and institutions, particularly those based or operating abroad, must be extensively established to increase the foreign source of library materials like journals, research bulletins and the like.
4. The librarians should be obliged to increase their information technology capabilities. The University must allot funds for their formal and/or informal training on computer applications in library operations.
5. The librarians should be allowed to hold academic commensurate to their education and other qualifications.
6. The computer needs of the faculty members should be addressed by procuring additional computer hardware and licensed computer software to be distributed to the different colleges or units. These computers, if possible should be linked up with the Internet facilities of the Institute and to the library for on-line access of library resources.
7. The quantity of books, particularly the professional textbooks, should be increased and the edition must be the most recent ones. Regular repair and replacement of torn and old issues should be carried out.
8. The library should start automation and computerization immediately. It should have new computer units that are connected to the Internet or PhilNet for on-line access of NVSU Main Campus Library holdings and the collection of other Institutions.